Refund and Return Policy


You can request Return & Refund Service:

Return & Refund Service will not be provided where:

  1. It is requested beyond seven (7) calendars days of receiving a product.
  1. A product sent to AYANEO for Return & Refund Service does not include all original accessories, attachments or packaging, or any item is not in new or like-new condition, i.e. with cracks, dents or scratches.
  1. A legal proof of purchase, receipt or invoice is not provided or is reasonably believed to have been forged or tampered with.
  1. Any fault or damage of the product is caused by unauthorized use or modification of the product, including exposure to moisture, entry of foreign bodies (water, oil, sand, etc.) or improper installation or operation.
  1. Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.
  1. Damage is caused to the product by uncontrollable external factors, including fire, floods, high winds or lightning strikes.
  1. A product is not delivered to AYANEO within fifteen (15) calendar days after Return & Refund Service confirmation is sent from AYANEO.
  1. Other circumstances stated in this policy.

You can request Return & Replacement Service:

Replacement Service will not be provided where:

  1. Service is requested more than seven (7) calendars days after receiving a product.
  1. Legal proof-of-purchase, receipts, or invoices are not provided, or are reasonably believed to have been forged or tampered with.
  1. A product sent to AYANEO for replacement does not include all original accessories, attachments and packaging, or contains items damaged by user error.
  1. A product is found to have no defects after all appropriate tests are conducted by AYANEO.
  1. Any fault or damage of the product is caused by unauthorized use or modification of the product, including exposure to moisture, entry of foreign bodies (water, oil, sand, etc.) or improper installation or operation.
  1. Product labels, serial numbers, water damage marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.
  1. Damage is caused by uncontrollable external factors, including fires, floods, high winds, or lightning strikes.
  1. Received product has not been sent back to AYANEO fifteen (15) calendar days after replacement confirmation from AYANEO.
  1. Proof of damage during transit issued by the carrier cannot be provided.
  1. Other circumstances stated in this policy.

How do I return an item?

  1. Please reach out to AYANEO customer support to initiate a return. Please state the reason for return and provide an invoice or screenshot to confirm the order number.
  1. AYANEO support will share the corresponding return address with you within 24 working hours.
  1. For the refund to be processed in a timely manner, please be sure to send a return notification to AYANEO with the following information:

How long does it take to get a refund?

Refunds will be issued once the item arrives at our warehouse for inspection. The refund will be credited back using the same method as when your initial order was made. Processing time typically takes 3-7 working days.


For purchases not made directly through AYANEO’s online stores, please contact local retailers or dealers for after-sales service.